How will SOPA and PIPA Affect the Self-Publishing Industry?

I suppose you have been to Wikipedia today only to find that it takes you to a site informing you about SOPA and PIPA, bills before our legislature right now that will forever change the way we see the internet. I spent 5 weeks in China, who use the same internet filtering and blocking technologyContinue reading “How will SOPA and PIPA Affect the Self-Publishing Industry?”

Writer Beware!

While researching the ins and outs of self-publishing, I ran across a handy little blog that has been instrumental in helping me be aware of the darker corners of the industry.  This blog is called “Writer Beware” and can be found here. I wanted all the self-publishing readers out there who read me to seeContinue reading “Writer Beware!”

The Amazing Amanda Hocking

Listening to NPR yesterday in the car I heard a story about Amanda Hocking, the best selling e-novelist who is now a $2 million signed author.  I was encouraged by her amazing story. Amanda is a high school grad with some community college courses under her belt who is from a small town and didContinue reading “The Amazing Amanda Hocking”

Self Publishing: A High School English Teacher’s Observation

I just finished reading David Gaughran’s post about the self-publishing industry as of last year 2011: The Self-Publishing Year In Review and was nodding my head with every paragraph. It’s true, folks.  The publishing industry is definitely changing.  Go ahead and read David’s thought provoking and very detailed article, and then come back and read whatContinue reading “Self Publishing: A High School English Teacher’s Observation”

Warning: Self Publishers Beware!

I received another e-mail today from a vanity press which shall remain nameless.  I published my first book through them about two years ago and since then have learned several lessons about self-publishing that I would like to pass on any budding novelist who is considering walking down the vanity press route. The e-mail IContinue reading “Warning: Self Publishers Beware!”