Writing Progress: Reaching the End of Something

Word count so far: 12,441 Today I have reached the end of where I have written a detailed outline for the novel and am now venturing into the territory of the skeletal outline. Let me explain. I work on a novel in stages.  I first use a mapping program like Mind Node to do tonsContinue reading “Writing Progress: Reaching the End of Something”

Writing Progress: Sometimes You Have To Start Over

Current Total Word Count: 11,613. Today I wrote on a day I’m supposed to be off the project.  I didn’t write yesterday.  There were just too many things going on. Not only that, I had to completely rethink the project. I’d written about 7 chapters of novel when I realized that I didn’t like theContinue reading “Writing Progress: Sometimes You Have To Start Over”

New Podcast Up: Antman’s Shrinking Plot

In this reformatted episode we take a different approach to the podcast. We decided from here on out to pick a pop culture film or book or comic book and spend the podcast discussing that piece from a writer’s perspective. Today we decided to discuss the recent Marvel offering “Antman”. It led to some livelyContinue reading “New Podcast Up: Antman’s Shrinking Plot”

3 Ways to Keep Your Villain from Monologuing

When my kids were little, they loved watching the Disney Pixar film The Incredibles.  During this film there is a scene where the villain, Syndrome, defeats Mr. Incredible with his terrible machine and then when he’s telling Mr. Incredible about his evil plans Incredible throws a log at him.  Syndrome dodges it, traps Mr. Incredible inContinue reading “3 Ways to Keep Your Villain from Monologuing”

The Reverse Outline

I have accomplished a great personal best: creating a complete pre-history, flora, fauna, culture, alien races and government for five alien planets that the humans or Terrans in my new novel series “The Five Rims”.  It came in at just over 15K words as well. Now to write the first book set in that universe.Continue reading “The Reverse Outline”

Why Is It So Difficult To Write Well?

I’m nearly halfway through the backstory material for my current WIP.  I’m writing a series of books tentatively titled The Five Rims Series and try as I might, I’m going to create a Tolkienesque place, a (most likely) vain attempt to give my setting a richness that will hopefully translate to a sweeping epic.  I’m justContinue reading “Why Is It So Difficult To Write Well?”

How to Use Scrivener to Create Easy Outlines

I use a little program called Scrivener created by the wonderful folks over at Literature and Latte (click the link to the right for more info).  It is a fantastic word processing program that meets all of my novel writing needs.  Today I wanted to you how easy it is to plan and outline aContinue reading “How to Use Scrivener to Create Easy Outlines”

When Is My Novel Too Long?

You may have heard the story of author J.R.R. Tolkien who wrote The Lord of the Rings as one book before his publisher looked at him from across the desk and said “I’m sorry, John.  This book is just too long.  Break it up, will you?” I am not saying that a massive tome will notContinue reading “When Is My Novel Too Long?”

How to Get Out of a Rut As a Writer

Ever feel like this as a writer? I just finished a rather lengthy project for a friend and now after two weeks I’m coming back to the novel I am writing.  I started in on a chapter last night and just found that the juices that were flowing two weeks ago had been completely usedContinue reading “How to Get Out of a Rut As a Writer”

How To Write A Persuasive Essay: 10 Steps To Student Success

I have taught AP Comp classes for over 10 years.  In that time, I have picked up some handy tips to teaching students how to write a solid, well constructed and well written essay. Here are the steps: 1. Stick to the Prompt – The prompt may be on an essay test or it mayContinue reading “How To Write A Persuasive Essay: 10 Steps To Student Success”