New Podcast Up: A Spectre of Bad Tropes

On this episode we discuss those overused tropes that often get used in modern fiction or film and how to avoid them. What are some good tropes and what are some old tropes that can be turned upside down or reworked for better effect? We also discuss a spoiler-free review of the new James BondContinue reading “New Podcast Up: A Spectre of Bad Tropes”

5 Tricks to Keep a Modern Reader Interested

I can’t count the amount of indie books I’ve started but haven’t finished.  I read everything on Kindle now save a few of my favorites like those in my Tolkien collection (I have all hard-bound editions of those).  If I want to figure out whether I want to read a new book, I download aContinue reading “5 Tricks to Keep a Modern Reader Interested”

New Podcast Up: Killin’ Like…A Villain

In this episode, we discuss the strange trope of killing a villain off midway through a novel. What are the consequences of such a daring act as a writer and what might our readers think if we do such a thing? Do we really need a “villain” anyway? Roger talks about Natasha Wittman’s new bookContinue reading “New Podcast Up: Killin’ Like…A Villain”