My Daughter’s Gift

Last night I lay in bed with laptop open, writing away at Come Apart, my newest WIP.  Due to school starting up, the self-imposed renovation of my classroom, the induction of several new alternative education students into my program and a myriad of other things I have been neglecting it.

It is always difficult to pick something up after a long period of time, and for me a long period of time is only 2 weeks.  I sat in silence, Pandora playing a stream of motion picture soundtracks, and then there was a knock at the door.

My eight year old, Meagan, the little blonde ball of energy, bounded into the room to show me how high she could kick.  I marveled at her, fawned over her ability, and then she jumped up next to me on the bed and with a glowing smile she asked if I was writing my new book.

“Yes,” I said, one corner of my mouth tightening.

“Oh, Daddy, it’s probably really good.  You always write really good books.”

“But you’ve never read any of them.”

“Yeah, I know,” she laughed.  “But you are going to write a really good one someday and a gazillion people will read it and they’ll like it as much as I do.”

I pulled her close and kissed her cheek and said “Meagan, your gift is definitely encouragement, because I really feel encouraged right now.  Thanks, baby.”

“No problem,” she said.  “I do that all the time for my friends when they feel down.  Like if their grandpa dies or their mommy dies I just tell them it’s ok and give them a hug…’cause it’s really ok.”

And then she bounced out of the room, leaving me with the thought that indeed it will be ok.  That I will write this book and many more people will probably enjoy reading it.

Thanks for the gift, Meagan.

Published by Roger Colby, Novelist, Editor

Roger Colby is a novelist and teacher who has taught English for nearly two decades. He is also an avid reader of science fiction who feels, like many other sci-fi readers, that he has read everything. He writes science fiction for the reader who is looking for the next best thing, something to excite them into reading again. This blog is his journey as a writer and his musings about writing. He also edits manuscripts for a fee and is an expert at helping you reach your full potential as a writer.

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