3 Deadly Traps for a Writer

There are so many things that can distract writers.  Writers are thinkers and dreamers, and if there is anything I have learned from my son, who suffers from ADHD, it is that distractions can kill any chance of the completion of a task. But what are the three things that are deadly for a writer,Continue reading “3 Deadly Traps for a Writer”

New Podcast Up: The Third Act

One of the most important elements to plotting a novel is the third act.  In this podcast we tackle this issue and give suggestions and tips for making the third act of your novel the most important part of the novel.  It has to do much more than just tying all the plot lines offContinue reading “New Podcast Up: The Third Act”

3 Kick In the Pants Tips for Tired Workaday Writers

This has been a rough week. Of course, as a high school English teacher who teaches two Advanced Placement courses and also manages the after school alternative education program…and also the supplemental online schooling program…most weeks are tough. They are ten times that when I want to write something and get home and there areContinue reading “3 Kick In the Pants Tips for Tired Workaday Writers”

5 Problems Facing Novelists and How to Overcome Them

I have always wanted to be a novelist.  Of course this requires that I spend countless hours in front of a computer screen working, many more hours promoting myself, building my platform and generally getting my name out there. Over the years, I have found that there are several “hobgoblins” that will grab a novelist’sContinue reading “5 Problems Facing Novelists and How to Overcome Them”