Fanboy Theory: What Is The Larger Plot Of the Subsequent Marvel Films?

The other day I took the kids to see the new Marvel film Ant Man.  I loved the film.  As a long time comic book fan it was great to see one of my heroes realized on screen. In the car on the way home I remarked to my children that when I was a kidContinue reading “Fanboy Theory: What Is The Larger Plot Of the Subsequent Marvel Films?”

New Podcast Up: Road to Memphis Part One

In this special episode (excuse the road noise) Ryan and I decide to go to Memphis Tennesee on a road trip. On the way there we discuss the stories we leave behind. What stories have you started but never finished or had to abandon simply because they didn’t work? What do those abandoned stories teach us? We alsoContinue reading “New Podcast Up: Road to Memphis Part One”

New Podcast Up: Television Writing & Sci-Fi Awards

In this episode, Ryan and I discuss the current writing on television and how it is a reflection of competition with writing in cinema, and is much better in many ways. What makes television writing so much better lately and how can the indie writer bank on that wave of good work? We also lament theContinue reading “New Podcast Up: Television Writing & Sci-Fi Awards”

New Podcast Up: The Third Act

One of the most important elements to plotting a novel is the third act.  In this podcast we tackle this issue and give suggestions and tips for making the third act of your novel the most important part of the novel.  It has to do much more than just tying all the plot lines offContinue reading “New Podcast Up: The Third Act”

The Death of Peter Parker

I may be a writer, but at heart I will always be a comic book loving fanboy.  I just have to say something about the death of Peter Parker, and if you haven’t already read The Amazing Spiderman #700, you should, because one of comic book fan’s most beloved super heroes has died…and he wentContinue reading “The Death of Peter Parker”

I’m Batman

I must say that this writer’s favorite superhero is indeed Batman. Why?  Well, mostly because some of the best writing in the genre has surrounded that shadowy detective, because he solves all of his problems with his incredible analytical mind, because he holds his own with the Justice League and can best all of themContinue reading “I’m Batman”

Top 5 Unsung Marvel Avengers

The movie opens today (or rather last night at midnight).  I say “the movie” because for comic book fans everywhere it is the movie many of us have waited a lifetime to see.  The Avengers will break all kinds of box office records, it is holding at a 93% positive rating on, and itContinue reading “Top 5 Unsung Marvel Avengers”