I’m Batman

I must say that this writer’s favorite superhero is indeed Batman. Why?  Well, mostly because some of the best writing in the genre has surrounded that shadowy detective, because he solves all of his problems with his incredible analytical mind, because he holds his own with the Justice League and can best all of themContinue reading “I’m Batman”

Protagonists, Antagonists and Depth

My children watch mindless episodes of things like The Wizards of Waverly Place (a clone mashup of Harry Potter and Twilight) and other Disney/Nickelodeon offerings.  Of course, I turn them on to some great stuff like those classic ’80’s movies I love like Ferris Bueller’s Day Off, E.T. the Extraterrestrial and The Goonies.   I swear if I hear that Waverly Place theme songContinue reading “Protagonists, Antagonists and Depth”

Don’t Blame the Writer

In the wake of the Aurora tragedy, the media is coming out of the woodwork with some off the wall commentating.  This terrible event has unfortunately become the fodder for those who would want to point fingers and blame others for the act of a deranged man.  I first heard the blame game being playedContinue reading “Don’t Blame the Writer”

Summer Movie Review: The Dark Knight Rises

I am a life long fan of Batman. I am not one of those t-shirt wearing, fist pumping, fair-weather fans who adopted Batman recently because he’s suddenly dark again and they like his appeal.  No.  I have been collecting Batman comics since I was a boy.  I follow the comic book Batman. I’m the guyContinue reading “Summer Movie Review: The Dark Knight Rises”