New Podcast Up: Drive the Batmobile to Mars

On this episode we wrap up our discussion about “The Martian” since both of us had a chance to catch the film. We discuss the differences between the film and the book from a writer’s perspective without spoiling any of it for you…and that was pretty hard to do, mind you. I push the conversationContinue reading “New Podcast Up: Drive the Batmobile to Mars”

3 Writing Lessons From Marvel’s “Daredevil”

If you haven’t binge watched the living daylights out of Marvel’s “Daredevil” over on Netflix, then this post may get a little spoilery.  I will begin with this warning, because I’m going to discuss a few aspects of the series that could spoil it for those who haven’t watched the series yet. For that IContinue reading “3 Writing Lessons From Marvel’s “Daredevil””

I’m Batman

I must say that this writer’s favorite superhero is indeed Batman. Why?  Well, mostly because some of the best writing in the genre has surrounded that shadowy detective, because he solves all of his problems with his incredible analytical mind, because he holds his own with the Justice League and can best all of themContinue reading “I’m Batman”

Don’t Blame the Writer

In the wake of the Aurora tragedy, the media is coming out of the woodwork with some off the wall commentating.  This terrible event has unfortunately become the fodder for those who would want to point fingers and blame others for the act of a deranged man.  I first heard the blame game being playedContinue reading “Don’t Blame the Writer”