Iron Man 3: A Brief Review

This weekend I caught Iron Man 3 at the local cinema and as a comic book geek who loves good writing I will have to say that it was a fun ride while maintaining the integrity of the Iron Man mythos. Many comic book movies of the ’80’s and especially the ’90’s gave in to theContinue reading “Iron Man 3: A Brief Review”

Summer Movie Review: The Dark Knight Rises

I am a life long fan of Batman. I am not one of those t-shirt wearing, fist pumping, fair-weather fans who adopted Batman recently because he’s suddenly dark again and they like his appeal.  No.  I have been collecting Batman comics since I was a boy.  I follow the comic book Batman. I’m the guyContinue reading “Summer Movie Review: The Dark Knight Rises”

Men In Black 3: A Nice Capstone to the Trilogy

Every trilogy must have a capstone film.  Return of the Jedi is the capstone for the Star Wars saga because it ties all the loose ends together and gives us more connections between characters that we did not realize or that were not revealed in the first two films.  The Last Crusade was a capstoneContinue reading “Men In Black 3: A Nice Capstone to the Trilogy”