Fanboy Theory: What Is The Larger Plot Of the Subsequent Marvel Films?

The other day I took the kids to see the new Marvel film Ant Man.  I loved the film.  As a long time comic book fan it was great to see one of my heroes realized on screen. In the car on the way home I remarked to my children that when I was a kidContinue reading “Fanboy Theory: What Is The Larger Plot Of the Subsequent Marvel Films?”

New Podcast Up: Beta-Readers and Movie Blahs

In this episode, Ryan and I discuss the importance of using beta-readers when writing a novel. We first define what beta-readers are, how a writer goes about finding them and how a writer compensates beta-readers for their valuable input into the production of your novel. We also discuss the current movie season and how it resembles aContinue reading “New Podcast Up: Beta-Readers and Movie Blahs”