Comedy Clip: My Son’s New Video

My son Conner is a little bit of a film nut, and we have recently set him up with a YouTube channel and given him the freedom to shoot his own bizarre little films.  His current effort is a little film called “Last Year’s Pizza”, something he directed and gathered props for, and then directed me to shoot.  He wrote the script entirely.  I helped him with the editing, and he is going to be making more of these little films in the future as he has plans one day to get into the business of making movies.

Here is his film “Last Year’s Pizza”


Published by Roger Colby, Novelist, Editor

Roger Colby is a novelist and teacher who has taught English for nearly two decades. He is also an avid reader of science fiction who feels, like many other sci-fi readers, that he has read everything. He writes science fiction for the reader who is looking for the next best thing, something to excite them into reading again. This blog is his journey as a writer and his musings about writing. He also edits manuscripts for a fee and is an expert at helping you reach your full potential as a writer.

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