Comedy Clip: My Son’s New Video

My son Conner is a little bit of a film nut, and we have recently set him up with a YouTube channel and given him the freedom to shoot his own bizarre little films.  His current effort is a little film called “Last Year’s Pizza”, something he directed and gathered props for, and then directedContinue reading “Comedy Clip: My Son’s New Video”

Lessons in Fatherhood: 10 Reasons My Dad Was Awesome

I celebrate yet another Father’s Day without my Dad.  I thought today I would write about the ten things that made Daddy so awesome, things that I try my best to duplicate with my children, with my wife, and hopefully by doing so I can live up to the legend that was my Dad. MyContinue reading “Lessons in Fatherhood: 10 Reasons My Dad Was Awesome”

The U.S. of After Chapter 4

Amy Yeah, so I was just sitting in my house minding my own business when this skinny nerd decided to break in.  I suppose I couldn’t blame him, what with the world all gone crazy, but a girl’s gotta defend herself.  I dragged his sorry self into the house and then bound him all upContinue reading “The U.S. of After Chapter 4”

What Boy Scouts Inadvertently Taught Me About Being a Dad

I returned early from the Boy Scout campout at Slippery Falls Ranch in Tishomingo, and I’ll have to say that my son and I were disappointed in the experience (at least the part involving Boy Scouts).  For example, in order for a scout to carry a pocket knife around, he has to endure a 3Continue reading “What Boy Scouts Inadvertently Taught Me About Being a Dad”

My First Guest Post!

Originally posted on Writing: A Conversation Without Interruptions:
Soooooo! In answer to my Call for Guest Posts I do have a selection of posts for you from various sources. These fabulous people have been kind enough to take time out of their days to write up a little something for this blog because I’m so…

My Tween Daughter: Justin Bieber Loses to the Medieval Fair

I have three daughters.  The oldest of the three is a tween and loves horses, reading books (not Twilight) and can’t stand Justin Bieber or any tween heartthrob like him.  Most tweens her age are too busy texting, Tweeting, or surfing the web for pictures of the latest teen plasticine fresh face, but she wouldContinue reading “My Tween Daughter: Justin Bieber Loses to the Medieval Fair”

My Weekend Home With the Kids: Finding Time to Write

My wife and I have 4 children between the ages of 6 and 11. I love them very much, and I love spending time with them and listening to them and trying to be the best dad I can to them…. …However… This weekend, my wife went to Texas with her parents as kind ofContinue reading “My Weekend Home With the Kids: Finding Time to Write”

Weekly Tales: 11 Year Olds Have Literal Minds

We walked across the graveled parking lot toward the car after a long benefit dinner for troop 214, my son Conner tagging along behind, his brown shirt untucked and hanging down all disheveled.  “Dad,” he said, his wheezy athsmatic voice like soft music.  “Do you think I could camp out in the woods by ourContinue reading “Weekly Tales: 11 Year Olds Have Literal Minds”