Gifted and Talented Youngsters: Enrichment for Future Dreams

Today was a very special day in the life of my little 9 year old Leigha Colby.  She is my middle daughter, sometimes feels left out, yet like all of my children has a special talent or gift.  Where my oldest son Conner is gifted in deep love for others and my oldest daughter KayleeContinue reading “Gifted and Talented Youngsters: Enrichment for Future Dreams”

20 Useful Tips for Writing a Novel

Today I decided to compile a list of one line tips that help me keep focused on writing and observations I have made since gaining a literary agent.  Here they are in no particular order: Don’t play video games. 1000 words a day is healthy. Make time for your family….but not too much. Write aContinue reading “20 Useful Tips for Writing a Novel”

Washington Irving On Writing

This week my students are reading “The Devil and Tom Walker” by Washington Irving, a hilariously satirical story about a Scrooge of a man who becomes a loan shark for the Devil only to lose his soul in the process.  In preparation for our study of Irving, I noted some quotes by the author thatContinue reading “Washington Irving On Writing”

The U.S. of After Chapter 15

Ethan McAlester was a mess.  Riots, Volos, disorder, everything went down the drain.  I lay on the side of a hill looking across the city at the black smoke rising up and wondered if I my life would ever be the same again.  I took this military uniform off a corpse because he sure didn’tContinue reading “The U.S. of After Chapter 15”