A Lesson About Forgiveness

I went to church camp with my two oldest kids last week which is the reason I didn’t post on the blog at all.  Today I am in Louisville, Kentucky at the AP Reader Conference where I’m reading AP essay after AP essay, grading each one and trying not to lose my vision (It’s reallyContinue reading “A Lesson About Forgiveness”

The U.S. of After Chapter 28

Ethan That lady knew something about me. I could see it on her face when she looked at my shirt. I knew that I had to put as much distance between myself and these people as possible and I had to do it soon.  I thought I’d wait until nightfall, see what I could findContinue reading “The U.S. of After Chapter 28”

Passover or Easter or Resurrection Sunday

As a Christian, I wake up this morning ready to go go church and celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ, but I can’t help but be a little puzzled as to how bunny rabbits and candy entered into the festivities. I have four children.  Yes, all of them will wake this morning to an easterContinue reading “Passover or Easter or Resurrection Sunday”