Thanksgiving Day Celebration

Today is the day when people in the U.S. celebrate Thanksgiving. When we get together today, I’m sure my mother is going to (as she always does) tell all of us that before we eat we must each share something we are thankful for.  This year, my mother’s house is not the center of theContinue reading “Thanksgiving Day Celebration”

Jesus and the Christian Writer

I’m a Christian writer.  In a nation that is becoming increasingly post-Christian I am proud to call myself a Christian writer.  If you do not believe that we are becoming a post-Christian nation, that there is hope for our nation to “go back to God”, then we have a long way to go, and inContinue reading “Jesus and the Christian Writer”

Know Your Demographic

If there is one thing that many independent and amateur writers fall for is the idea that their particular genre or idea for a novel will be an instant best seller.  As I write this I imagine billions of writers out there toiling away at novels they deeply believe are books that people will wantContinue reading “Know Your Demographic”

The U.S. of After Chapter 41

Clayton We floated down river, our boat tied to the boat behind because one of them motors had been hit in the fire fight.  This slowed us down considerable.  I didn’t pay it any mind ‘cause we were safe from the militia for now.  God had done a miraculous work and we were in theContinue reading “The U.S. of After Chapter 41”

The U.S. of After Chapter 28

Ethan That lady knew something about me. I could see it on her face when she looked at my shirt. I knew that I had to put as much distance between myself and these people as possible and I had to do it soon.  I thought I’d wait until nightfall, see what I could findContinue reading “The U.S. of After Chapter 28”

Creative Writing Techniques for the Essay Writer

In my years of teaching students how to write well formed essays, I have seen my fair share of texts written with boring verbs, humdrum descriptions and lazy constructions.  In order for a student to rise above the chaff of the mediocre scribblings of others, that student must understand that there is much to learnContinue reading “Creative Writing Techniques for the Essay Writer”

Inspiration Comes from Everywhere

As you all know, I just finished the rough draft of This Broken Earth: Book 1, The U.S. of After and after revising a few times sent it off to my readers for review.  This does not mean I stop working.  I am simply in a holding pattern while I work up the nerve to startContinue reading “Inspiration Comes from Everywhere”