New Podcast Up: 2013 Christmas Episode

In this episode, we discuss the Charles Dickens classic A Christmas Carol and its many adaptations.  What works are worthy of adaptation and what work could you adapt to make your own in some unique way?  We also talk about our favorite fanboy Christmas classic films, namely the top three that each of us watch inContinue reading “New Podcast Up: 2013 Christmas Episode”

Thanksgiving Day Celebration

Today is the day when people in the U.S. celebrate Thanksgiving. When we get together today, I’m sure my mother is going to (as she always does) tell all of us that before we eat we must each share something we are thankful for.  This year, my mother’s house is not the center of theContinue reading “Thanksgiving Day Celebration”

NaNoWriMo Tip #22: Time Out

If you are in a comfortable place right now in word count with the NaNoWriMo, then by all means take a break.  Today is Thanksgiving in the U.S., and if you are a hardcore writer like me then you will want to write today, but fight the urge. Last night I went to my wife’sContinue reading “NaNoWriMo Tip #22: Time Out”

Labor Day Means Writing

I am a high school English teacher by trade and a writer of novels in my spare time.  School started two weeks ago and my spare time has dropped to a spare minimum.  I have been writing steadily on Book 2: The U.S.S. Ronald Reagan and am nearing the end of the narrative, but becauseContinue reading “Labor Day Means Writing”