Thanksgiving Day Celebration

Today is the day when people in the U.S. celebrate Thanksgiving. When we get together today, I’m sure my mother is going to (as she always does) tell all of us that before we eat we must each share something we are thankful for.  This year, my mother’s house is not the center of theContinue reading “Thanksgiving Day Celebration”

Back to School – Fresh Paint and Fresh Ideas

Monday is the first day of school for my students, but I have been at the school for seven working days.  Thursday and Friday of last week my awesome wife came to my classroom (at my request) and put a fresh coat of paint on my classroom walls.  I asked her if I could payContinue reading “Back to School – Fresh Paint and Fresh Ideas”

Common Core Writing: First Day of School Assignment

Yesterday was the first day of school for our students.  Often it is difficult to have something for students to do right out of the box on the first day, since our syllabi may not have arrived from the copy center, our room may not be 100% ready or we may not have written aContinue reading “Common Core Writing: First Day of School Assignment”

Common Core Posters That Teach Writing Skills

I have been teaching Advanced Placement Language and Composition and Literature for over 10 years.  If you have been teaching any form of Advanced Placement, I have news for you: You are already teaching to common core standards.  Many teachers this time of year are scrambling to decorate their classrooms to best utilize the learningContinue reading “Common Core Posters That Teach Writing Skills”