Kristie Colby: Why She Is the Love of My Life

As part of the “A to Z Blogging Challenge” and because this is my 100th post, I could not write about the letter that begins my wife’s name without writing a blog post about her and how she is the inspiration for every female lead in all of my fiction written since the day IContinue reading “Kristie Colby: Why She Is the Love of My Life”

Passover or Easter or Resurrection Sunday

As a Christian, I wake up this morning ready to go go church and celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ, but I can’t help but be a little puzzled as to how bunny rabbits and candy entered into the festivities. I have four children.  Yes, all of them will wake this morning to an easterContinue reading “Passover or Easter or Resurrection Sunday”

Food of China – Top 10 Favorite Dishes

As some of you may know, I spent five weeks in the lovely country of China as an English teacher helping my fellow teachers with methodology, pedagogy and lesson plans.  One of the highlights of my trip was the food.  In this A to Z post, I have decided to list my top ten favoriteContinue reading “Food of China – Top 10 Favorite Dishes”

My Weekend Home With the Kids: Finding Time to Write

My wife and I have 4 children between the ages of 6 and 11. I love them very much, and I love spending time with them and listening to them and trying to be the best dad I can to them…. …However… This weekend, my wife went to Texas with her parents as kind ofContinue reading “My Weekend Home With the Kids: Finding Time to Write”

Christmas Memories

Today marks the second Christmas Eve without my Dad.  I think of all the holidays, this holiday was Dad’s favorite.  He would never be in a bad mood on this day, he would always smile, want to go out to breakfast with me at the local cafe. Dad was always difficult to buy for.  ThisContinue reading “Christmas Memories”