The Moore Tornado Benefit – Helping Children Heal

Thursday from 2pm to 8pm JediOKC, the Oklahoma City based collectors/costuming club got together at Journey Church in Norman Oklahoma to throw a benefit with many other organizations to provide a family night for the workers and all the children effected by the Moore Oklahoma tornado that ripped through Moore back in May. Ryan McKinleyContinue reading “The Moore Tornado Benefit – Helping Children Heal”

Lessons in Fatherhood: 10 Reasons My Dad Was Awesome

I celebrate yet another Father’s Day without my Dad.  I thought today I would write about the ten things that made Daddy so awesome, things that I try my best to duplicate with my children, with my wife, and hopefully by doing so I can live up to the legend that was my Dad. MyContinue reading “Lessons in Fatherhood: 10 Reasons My Dad Was Awesome”

The Oklahoma City Memorial Marathon

On April 19th, 1995 Timothy McVeigh parked a Ryder truck in front of the Edward R. Murrow Federal Building in downtown Oklahoma City and ended the lives of 168 people, forever changing the landscape of our city.  Each year marathon runners from all over the world come to race in the Memorial Marathon. It hasContinue reading “The Oklahoma City Memorial Marathon”

Gifted and Talented Youngsters: Enrichment for Future Dreams

Today was a very special day in the life of my little 9 year old Leigha Colby.  She is my middle daughter, sometimes feels left out, yet like all of my children has a special talent or gift.  Where my oldest son Conner is gifted in deep love for others and my oldest daughter KayleeContinue reading “Gifted and Talented Youngsters: Enrichment for Future Dreams”

Man’s Day Out: The OU Red Vs. White Game

Today my son, my father in law and brother in law all piled into the car and drove to nearby Norman, Oklahoma to attend the annual Spring Red vs. White Game at the University of Oklahoma.  It is a traditional scrimmage that they play for the fans.  It was indeed time for the men toContinue reading “Man’s Day Out: The OU Red Vs. White Game”

To This Day Project – Shane Koyczan

I usually don’t do this, but this poem by Shane Koyczan struck a nerve with me.  Recently I have been dredging up my own demons in writing my latest novel The Painful Best because my protagonist is the result of one event cascading into several other bad events that end up ruining his life.  He is anContinue reading “To This Day Project – Shane Koyczan”

Today’s Birthday Gift Was Amazing!

Today I turned 42 years old, and jokingly I tell my friends that I am now the meaning of life, the universe and everything.  As we get older, birthdays invariably run together, and we only celebrate the decades.  I remember as a child I anxiously awaited my birthday because there would probably be a partyContinue reading “Today’s Birthday Gift Was Amazing!”

Raising a Preemie: My Son’s Current Predicament

Yesterday my wife and I took my son Conner to an endocrinologist to discuss the fact that his bone growth is two years behind what it should be.  This is all due to the fact that my son was born at 24 weeks, weighed 1 lb. 8 oz., and was 12 inches long.  The doctorContinue reading “Raising a Preemie: My Son’s Current Predicament”

A Day at the Pumpkin Patch With My Boo

I have four children, and my youngest is Meagan, a little bundle of fire we call “Boo”.  The reason for this is because she was a surprise baby and the name just stuck.  I love her very much, and I draw much inspiration from her personality which is spunky, brimming with a weird sense ofContinue reading “A Day at the Pumpkin Patch With My Boo”

A Chip Off the Old Block

Friday was a very special day for me.  It was the day that my oldest daughter informed me that she wanted to write a book. Kaylee is 11 years old and most parents probably would have said something like “Aww.  That’s cute.” or “that’s nice, dear” and then gone on about their business.  No.  IContinue reading “A Chip Off the Old Block”